Dental Practices

Dental Practices

Orient provides full revenue cycle management services that eliminate unnecessary processes, increase efficiency, and free up the staff in your company. We manage your back-end and front-end revenue cycle. From appointment scheduling, to follow-up with AR up, we're with you all the procedure.

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Our Expertise

Our goal is to let dentists to perform their best and take care of patients' dental needs, while we do the best job of caring to get reimbursement.

In this regard we work hard to help our clients overcome their difficulties of ensuring that reimbursements are effective by optimizing upfront payments to patients as well as achieving total efficiency to the process of revenue collection. We recognize that effective managing the revenue cycle for dentists requires a thorough knowledge of the complexity involved in making and recouping revenues.

At Orient we are aware of the demands of dental practices and our dentistry revenue cycle management solutions include everything from CDT codification to an effective fee schedule to advising on new appointments in the pipeline, all with the aim to increase revenue and reduce the number of denials. With our extensive Dental RCM services, we aid our clients in saving time, which gives them more time to focus on the core of their business.

"Looking To Outsource Your Dental Revenue Cycle Management?"

Contact our experts today to find out more.